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“I attended this conference as a sponsor, community activist, and huge supporter of ABG Professional Development Solutions. I left the conference filled to capacity with self-empowerment and a keen appreciation of how important we all are.”
“I am excited to take this knowledge from the How to Take Your Organization from Good to Great panel on business development, growth, and being great back to my employer! Thank you so much for the wonderful session.”
“The speakers in Career Clarity and Advancement were very knowledgeable and their stories made me realize that just because I waited until I was in my 30s to go to college doesn’t mean that’s not the wrong way to do things.”
“I am a repeat attendee and I would gladly attend again. I enjoyed the networking, the great information and the overall conference was just awesome! ABG Professional Development Solutions, you did it again! Wow!!!”
“The Art of Building Better Leaders was one of my favorite sessions. I learned a valuable lesson and what type of employee I am. This session was life-changing for me. I was able to find a new mentor. As a pilot, I was grateful to have met another.”
“All speakers on The Balancing Act of Work and Life were amazing and so on point. The speakers helped us discover ‘enough’ and helped us say ‘No’ with confidence while connecting others to the work team and enable their gifts to be seen!”
“The Tackling Procrastination and ADHD session was engaging and phenomenal. The speaker presented a wonderful presentation and had everyone’s attention throughout the whole session! I would love another procrastination and ADHD session at the next conference.”
“I attended Men’s Minds Matter because we are surrounded by men in the workplace and sometimes at home. This was a great way to learn how to understand everyone, including men, and the best course of action, especially if you are ever in a leadership role.”
“The speaker for Communicating and Managing with Emotional Intelligence squeezed 2 hours’ worth of college level information into about 40 minutes. Well thought out and perfectly delivered. All sessions were good, this one was GOLD.”
“Personal Branding and Business Marketing was incredible! The insights shared among us were truly valuable. One of the speakers confidently told their story while uplifting the entire room. The other speaker inspired everyone to believe in themselves. This was an AMAZING session, and I know that everyone left feeling empowered.”
“The speakers in Living in the Blue Zone encouraged me to eat a variety of foods, more greens, whole grains, nuts, tubers, beans so that I could gain more life! I’ll be roasting more veggies and sharing that information with my family and friends.”
“Building Resilience for Work and Home was a wonderful session! So many practical tips- I couldn’t take notes fast enough! All of the sessions I attended were good, but this one was my favorite of the day. I really enjoyed the real-life perspective from the varied perspectives and backgrounds of the speakers and how it applied to both work and home environments.”
“Spoken and Unspoken Rules of Workplace Etiquette was an excellent session! It gave me a hope and talking points to educate those around me on the positives of having a multi-generational workforce and how to avoid the negative.”
“This was a very motivating and educational conference with lots of very valuable information. Thank you very much for bringing this to our area!”
“Honestly, this was the first conference where I never wanted to leave. Every session was engaging and relevant to everyday life. I realize that I needed some guidance to help me grow personally and professionally. I’m so looking forward to next year.”
“I feel like I am better prepared to make my company proud of me because of the things that I learned in How to Take Your Organization from Good to Great.”
“Mrs. Alberta is a very powerful woman indeed! I gained a lot of knowledge to share and implement with my team as well as at home.”
“We thoroughly enjoyed this experience and it helped not only with work but for home as well ... We need more of this in Monroe!”
"The atmosphere was energetic, positive, and uplifting! I loved the speakers' vulnerability, the giveaways, and the interaction with others. Overall....this was a great experience!"
“The conference was rejuvenating and reviving!”
"This conference was inspiringly life-altering!"
“I now feel I can conquer anything going forward.”
"This was a great opportunity to meet other people outside our work groups."
“Awesome conference and the opportunity to learn and network…I would recommend to anyone in management, leadership or wanting to make a difference!”
“ The conference was great! I enjoyed all the speakers and presentations! I can't wait to attend next year!”
“I would recommend the conference to someone who is starting out professionally or someone is starting their leadership/self-care journey.”
“This conference was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. The sessions I attended were very eye opening and informative…VERY interesting.”
“The conference was amazing!!”
" This was my first conference, and I would love to be at the next one!"
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